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How to add a search bar to your website?

When you have many pages on your website, adding a search bar can help visitor find the content they need more easily


Are you a developer?

If you’re a dev, there’s three major options

  1. 1: Algolia

Algo is the go to SAAS for adding a search engine on an application.
It’s robust solution with a great documentation.
Algolia is free for non-profit and open-source projects

2: Meilisearch

Meilisearch is an opensource search engine similar to Algolia.
The project is gaining a lot of popularity lately.
If you don’t want to host the solution yourself they offer a cloud plan.

3: DIY with PostgreSQL

I you have simple needs you can get decents results with Postgresql’s trigram indexes.

With this solution you can get decent response time even with millions of database rows.

If you want to know more about how to build it, I recommend this great introduction by gitlab

Without code with Daftpage

Daftpage is a website builder that works like a text editor, no coding skills required.

With Daftpage you can add a search bar to your website pretty much in 1 click!

Thanks to the “Directory Mode“, you can turn any page into a searchable folder. With this options activated, the page and all its subpages will be searchable through a good looking search bar!



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